Jesus came for everyone but at first he came for the lost sheep, tribe! When he was rejected he took it to the streets and opened the door for everyone! As far as bad assoication well the WTBTS misapplied that scripture! So set your self free from WTBTS way of thinking! It is bad conversation look at it in detail. Anyone sitting at the Kingdom Hall can see that it has nothing to do with brothers and sisters! but a guilt trip that has hurt many!
That is part of the WTBTS brainwashing techinques. Bad association! NOT but bad conversation and they still associated with the non christians.
Jesus said not to call him righteous because there was only one righteous and that is the Father who is in heaven.
Here's another thought; WTBTS seem to think when they go door to door, and when a person takes the WT at the door they have the right to Mark that person to righteousness! Meaning that person side steps judgement day with Jesus! So the ones who do not take the magzines are the ones who are going to go off to judgement day!
Jesus opened the door to sit with sinners, taxes collectors, prostitutes to let them know that they will be saved if they believe in him! Unlike the Pharisees of the day! Repentence was a big one with Jesus but I think that he knew that people would have a hard time with repentence. Although it is better to repent and believe in Jesus than feel empty and have no faith!